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Fell Friday #85 - Brand new UI graphics

In continuing our preparations for our imminent release, we've released version 0.9.2 of the game this week, with a slew of balance tuning changes and some additions to the UI, including redoing all the UI graphics to give them a new and slicker look.

You can see all the details on our steam notes.

Here's what the new character info panel looks like:

Progress Report

We've been quite busy this week, as usual. On top of the above changes, we've also been working on the Ancient Path dungeon and we have 1 more encounter left to create for it before it's all finished!

We also added "class masteries" to the game: once a unit masters a class, they will receive a small permanent bonus to various stats from then on. Switching to a different class will not remove the bonus: it's permanent and always there. Mastering all classes will stack up all those bonuses.

The bonuses can be viewed in the class selection screen:

Otherwise, lots of bug fixes, balance changes and some UI improvements. There's still a lot of balance tweaks we want to get in and a few more UI upgrades as well, so stay tuned!

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