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Dreamhack Dallas, News

Hello everyone!

It's been a while since we posted an update on here! For the most part, we've been working on fixes and QoL issues, and taking a small vacation.

It's not 100% official yet, but from fan feedback, we've been thinking about making a big DLC pack for Fell Seal and we'll probably start work on that in a little bit. We'll have an announcement about it when it becomes official, but it's the most likely scenario!

There are a few threads on our Steam forums (Steam page) about the DLC, so feel free to send us your suggestions and ideas on there, or make your own thread, of course!

Dreamhack Dallas

We'll be going to Dreamhack this year! We've been selected by the Indieplayground to get a free booth from them, which is awesome!

The dates are May 31st to June 2nd and more information can be found on their site, right here.

I don't actually know where our booth will be located yet, but hopefully we'll be easy enough to find!

Come and say hello if you get a chance! :)

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