Fell Friday #44 - New Beta build, new world map, new beards
Big week this week, since it's the start of a new month and that's when we release our new Beta build!
The latest build has 4 more story battles, 4 more patrol battles added and a whole lot of extra polish, including new spells, new enemies, bug fixes, etc. It'll be released at some point today (we're on the final tests and tweaks right now).
The new build also features our brand new world map. We're still adding animated details to it, but it's already looking awesome we think!
We also added a bunch of new beard options and a few hats. Here's a sample of the new stuff we added:
The full patch notes for the new build should be available on our Steam page shortly (https://store.steampowered.com/app/699170/Fell_Seal_Arbiters_Mark/). Lots of stuff on there! :)
Thanks again!